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Creative Intelligence - Counterintelligence

Counterintelligence and safeguarding information is a key security component for sustainability, if not survival, becoming ever more important as systems expand and resources are stretched. It is one of the most finely tuned human behavior systems on the planet. Reactive security measures are insufficient for coping with unpredictable small to large-scale catastrophic events that are primarily the result of human behavior.

Reducing vulnerabilities to all systems and resources intricate to operations requires coupling a proactive defense for key individuals by timely dissemination of knowledge and information. Counterintelligence and safeguarding high-profile information requires appropriate data collection and analysis coupled with the ability to map and to relate human behavior.

A proactive approach focuses on risk management rather than avoidance, and full integration into competitive intelligence and infrastructure protection processes.

Counterintelligence or competitive intelligence in business is one of the best protective measures to ensure sustainability. CI can neutralize increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks and other threats. The success of any progressive or advanced CI operation is attained through integration of key CI related variables into operational security and convergence of corporate systems with a focus on resource constraints, information sharing, and operational risks.

Counterintelligence and related parameters are particularly more powerful when coupled with human behavior analysis, which is a key product of TINMORE INSTITUTE.

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